"Love in Time of Rona" - Irénke Ónádi

This tale is yours to tell
Flip the script
And own your piece of history
In this time when we find ourselves
Together - Larissa Nemeth

Nature Enthusi-Artist Sammy from Feather Box says, “It looks a little bit like creativity, and a little bit like chaos.”

Comrade Larissa says, “Corona time is time for art, play, a slowed pace and deeply comforting at-home activities: baking, gardening and laughing just to name a few.”

Love in Time of Rona

Carina, “Homeschooling is a lot easier when you have a cat.

Hannah is still working; she's drawing blood at a COVID testing site. So each night, after she's gone to bed, I leave her a different quote from the Harry Potter books on our chalkboard. We are both huge fans of the series .

The working from home life. Taking advantage of having windows and lovely house plants in my new workspace.

Adhering to social distancing by getting our daily dosage of sunshine on the back deck...even if it is a little chilly!

Lunchtime runs...I discovered some paths less traveled off the bike trail near our house. Great way to exercise, stay distant from others, and be in nature.

I broke down and bought a PS4...I'd been wanting one for a while and quarantine seemed like a good enough reason to make the purchase :)

Cauliflower Tacos...YUM. We've been doing lots of home cooking and the results have been delicious! |

In an effort to control screen time, and because I love to, I've been reading like crazy. This one has been the best thus far! Photos

I LOVE MUSIC, been listening to some old favorites and many new tunes.

1. Hurry up and wait

2. Informed and available 

3. A little old history, while making History

4. How it all started

So far our time in quarantine has been filled with virtual learning, gardening, and daily outdoor adventures!

1. Crocheted a reusable produce bag!
2. Prepped the garden
3. Sunbathed
4. Husband baked brioche bread, then made it into French toast 
5. Made back ups due to shortage (JK  but I really did crochet this)
6. Celebrated my husband’s birthday in quarantine. Quiet, peaceful and perfect ️

Food, The Moon, Dogs, Nature